Things Vital to One’s Life
Writing personal essays drill 4: a list of ... things WATER : Obviously water is vital to one’s life. But it can be also dangerous. So, in a developing country, you are extremely careful because germs grow in the water. You don't forget a treatment. After the treatment, the water smells disgusting and it looks dirty, but it is now good to drink. You drop a tablet to add a flavor. FOOD : One should eat. It is pleasure for most people to savor exotic dishes, but my judgment for a taste is very subjective. The mood at a dinner table dominates my taste of the dishes. Who prepared, who is sitting next to me, and what we talk about are more important than the food itself. What if you agree to me but are not so social? Fill your refrigerator with fresh vegetables and fruits. Those will keep you from unhealthy food at least. Lastly, be more careful if you are not rich, because we live in a country where the poorer the bigger. Next, you got me: EXERCISE . Gym membership, yoga, marathon....