Give Peace a Chance!
It appeared that they received sufficient media attention. I wonder whether the media was disappointed that they were wearing pajamas all the time in their bed. This performance, in particular, was done after their sensational nude album jacket was released and Ono’s groundbreaking conceptual art had drawn much media attention. Probably the media groups were expecting another shocking performance, but it didn’t happen.
I appreciate their deep thought and sacrificing their private moments for public good. But I feel uneasy with the performance. If I had watched that performance for two weeks when they were talking and playing in a luxurious hotel room, I might have been nauseated. Did it really call for the peace in the world? Obviously this peace was meant against the Vietnam War. I wonder whether this performance impacted any and if so, how. Can peace be obtained that easily? I can’t get away from the idea of media game in thinking of the Bed-in performance.